Taylor Hicks


So the last time I seen Grease was this past Jan. in Chicago. It really felt like the first time I seen it. I arrived at Ovens Auditorium around 5 o’clock and doors opened at 6 o’clock, Auditorium door opened at 6:30 and as I waited to get in I was ease-dropping on some conversations in front of me. Once I heard them say Taylor Hicks that’s when I spoke up. I told them that I was a member of the SOUL PATROL and that this was a great musical as I have seen it twice before. They asked me where I had seen it before and I told them and they could not believe that I would go to such lengths to see GREASE. I told them wait till after the show and then you will know.

The doors opened and I went over to the GREASE store and seen Clay and the second he seen me, he recognized me from Durham so I thanked him for not having me arrested, LOL. Clay asked me to return to the store at intermission for my M&G band and that’s what I did. When it can time to be seated I found my seat, balcony 4th row seat 6, not bad seats. When the people who had the seats next to me arrived I started a conversation with them about the show and that I had seen it twice already they were amazed at me being there again then I told them you will know why when you see it for yourself.

Vince Fontaine was great and had the audience laughing the whole time. OH Yea!! The auditorium was about 90% full, and was very receptive of the cast. The show went well and Taylor was in GREAT voice and got the biggest applause of the night. After the show I waited next to where he was signing CD’s and taking pictures all the while Clay was rushing the people through to get to the M&G’s. I really thought I was the only one with a M&G because I did not see no one else with a band on their wrist.. Finally Taylor was through signing and Clay came over with Taylor and motioned for me and the other 4 girls, who had no bands on. back in the auditorium. It was apparent that they were special M&G’s by then. Once in the auditorium Taylor turned towards me and said Hi, How are you, I said fine. One of the other girls started talking about her husband and how he looked so much like Taylor and that her husband made some shirt with Taylor Hicks on it, and was wearing one of them. Taylor said, “COOL”, and then he turned to me and asked if I wanted a picture with him, in which I replied, “I have been trying to get a picture with you for 3 years, of course I do. One of the girls took my camera and took several pictures of me and Taylor and then of me and Taylor and Clay, Then Taylor took my camera and took a picture of me and clay. I got Taylor to sign my Heart full of Soul book and them I gave him a gift, “A BAG OF CRAISENS”, he was so excited to get it because he had never seen them before, and I wanted to get him something he had never had. Taylor was very nice to me throughout the M&G but I could tell he was in a rush probably because of the 4 girls that had a special M&G. Taylor and me talked for a few more minutes along with the others and then went on his way, he thanks me for the CRAISENS again and gives me a hug and I went on my way too!!!






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