Taylor Hicks


The 12 hours of labor was nothing compared the pain I felt when you told me you would be joining the MARINES, but the worst of it was that the president had just declared war on Iraq. The 3 months you spent training at Paris Island only made my worst fears a reality. After a short stay at Camp Lejune, off you went to Iraq. Now, from that moment on every waking hour of my days were in front of any TV I could find, whether it be at a store, at work, wherever I could see a TV just to see if I could catch a glimpse of you.

Being a single mother of 2 boys, you and your brother were never away from home for more than one day. We were never separated from each other so I was worried about how you would be in another country. I stayed close to my computer just in case you would be able to get to one to IM me. The worst part is that most of the time I never was allowed to know where you were. It was not long after you got to Iraq that my life went down hill. My job started to suffer, and then my marriage and your brother began to worry about me. All my time was just hoping and praying that you would return home safe and sound and the only peace I would have is when you walked through that front door. The only times I would have a little relief was when I did hear from you the few times I heard from you. For me: it was the longest 4 years of my life, but that day you did walk through those doors of home I finally got my life back!

I prayed for all the service men to come home safe and sound, but to all the fallen soldiers who did not make it home, my heart is full of sorrow for their families, and that these families know that their loved ones did not die in vain and are heroes to their families and to the people of AMERICA.



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Comment by Gr8fulheart on November 12, 2009 at 11:06pm
I can feel your tears as I read your post. You have every right to feel proud of your son. I thank God for his safe return, so he could once again be held in your arms.♥
Comment by Tish Pomykal on November 11, 2009 at 11:03pm
Karen, I'm so glad your son made it home safely. Give him a big hug and kiss from all of us.
Comment by Nancy Paonessa/Nancymunchkin on November 11, 2009 at 4:50pm
I am glad that your son if home safe and sound tell he we are proud of him
Comment by Juliegr on November 11, 2009 at 4:47pm
Touching story -- I'm happy for your son's safe return. Hold him safe and close to your heart.
Comment by Denise Hill Barlow on November 11, 2009 at 2:17pm
This is absolutely beautiful. Thank you for sharing your blog.
Comment by NolaMar on November 11, 2009 at 1:18pm
Karen, your first paragraph describes my experience exactly! During the war I just went downhill. I could think of nothing all day but Joel, in combat, and those embedded reporters made it all worse. I ended up with chest pain and had to get tested but it was just the stress.

Thank you for your wonderful blog entry! And of course thank you to y our son for his service!


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