Taylor Hicks

Haiti Earthquake Disaster - Relief Effort - PLEASE SUPPORT!

On Tuesday, January 12th, the Caribbean region of Haiti was devastated by a 7.0 earthquake. Over 100,000 are expected to have died in this disaster. Haiti is already known as being one of the most poverty-stricken areas in the World, and will need desperate help in their relief efforts.

About 3 million people, one-third of Haiti's population, were affected by the quake, which tore down buildings, power lines, and utility channels. The scope of this tragedy is immense, and it's time to take immediate action. You can play a role in this relief effort by donating food, clothing, and supplies.

Local Birmingham, AL parish, Saint Mary's-on-the-Highlands Episcopal Church, is collecting monetary donations. As you can imagine, the local clinics that survived the damage in Haiti will be overwhelmed. If you are able, we encourage you to send donations to this local parish in Birmingham. No donation is too small.

Payable to and in care of:
Saint Mary's-on-the-Highlands Episcopal Church (Haiti Relief in the for line)
1910 12th Avenue South
Birmingham, Alabama 35205

You can be assured these funds go directly to the basic human needs of medical aid, nutrition, and education.

For other ways to contribute to this relief effort, please visit CNN.

Thank you for your consideration and most importantly your prayers for those in Haiti.

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