Taylor Hicks

Wings's Comments

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At 8:05am on November 21, 2015, emma said…
Good morning, my name is Emmanuel Godwin, no matter very important I would like to discuss with you, because of the confidentiality of the subject, please contact me back directly on this my private email address provided on this message here (emmanuelgodwin113@gmail.com). that will allow me to explain it to you.


Доброго ранку, мене звуть не Еммануїл Годвін, незалежно від того, дуже важливо, я хотів би обговорити з вами, через конфіденційність предмета, будь ласка, зв'яжіться зі мною назад прямо на цьому мою особисту адресу електронної пошти, представленої на цьому повідомленні тут (emmanuelgodwin113@gmail.com). що дозволить мені пояснити це для вас.
At 9:57pm on March 17, 2011, Gypsee said…
I am fine thanks, but rarely on here.  Manistee will be a great show!  See the new TaylorMadeOnline blogspot entry.  Taylor gives us some insight to this show!
At 8:35pm on March 16, 2011, Gr8fulheart said…

How wonderful to see you!  I have thought about you so often & had wondered if you were still around. 

I've been terribly busy for the past several months; mostly healing from a broken foot & traumatized (extremely bruised & swollen) leg. The bone in the foot is nearly healed (broke on Nov 1st).  I was on a scooter for around 3½ months.  I depended on family mostly for food shopping & doc appointments.  In December, the toilet tank broke in my main bathroon; which flooded the basement.  There was about (2) months of repairs.  Oh~its been interesting!...lol  Right now, I'm working on preparing for our church's annual meeting on the 27th.  Lots of meetings & changes to our Constitution & By-laws.  With spring here, I'm looking forward to a positive change.  One good piece of news: Clarice & I are seeing Taylor next month in Snoqualmie.  I am so excited; especially since the ordeal when we were suppose to see him in Sequim.

How have you been?  And~you're hubby?  I guess I must be logged in, since I'm hearing those funny bleeps....lol

At 12:31am on October 12, 2009, taylortime said…
Wings I am happy to know that you too pray for Taylor daily. And good to see you here as well.
At 11:36pm on September 5, 2009, Gr8fulheart said…
I can hardly wait for the live chat on the 10th also! I hope I don't get all 'kuh-bloo-buh-rated' & start clicking on areas I shouldn't. Maybe I should just sit back & watch all the fun. What do you think?
At 10:51pm on September 5, 2009, Gr8fulheart said…
Wings, my friend. What took you so long to get here?...lol Good to see you♥
At 5:17pm on September 5, 2009, Shell said…
Thanks so much...I'm equally as glad!
At 10:21am on September 5, 2009, Diane said…
Yes, Wings - those were my pictures and video of Kris and Adam. I'm glad you liked them!
At 4:08pm on September 4, 2009, Pat said…
Hi Wings -

It's so good to see you here!! Yes, I agree!! This place looks great!
At 8:19pm on August 30, 2009, Lubiana said…
Thanks Wings! Nice to see you here!
At 3:36am on August 30, 2009, Lauri said…
hi again, i'm really looking forward to finally see Whomp At The Warfield; can't believe how long it's taken them to put it out;
do you think it will really be released in November??
p.s. i used to work in a gallery where we sold various artists, including Gorman.. love ur avi ;-)
At 1:24pm on August 29, 2009, Hop said…
Hi Wings!
At 2:33pm on August 26, 2009, Jeanne said…
It really is nice, isn't it wings. Nice to see you over here.


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