Taylor Hicks

My husband is the oldest of six children -- 4 of whom are boys. He did all the things young men of his age and background did in his hometown of Kansas City, MO -- fished, hunted, played football, was an Eagle Scout, bought and torqued up his bright pink Pontiac Boniville.

In the '60's young men faced a mandatory draft and had to register with the Armed Forces at graduation or at 18 if they were not attending college. America hadn't entered the Viet Nam war at that time but all the signs were pointing to involvement by our military. He joined the Army and was assigned to the Special Forces or Green Berets as they were called then.

His background as a outdoorsman came in handy as he was able to use some of the skills he had sharpened as a young man; his desire to travel and face danger was met by the requirements to train in the cold, sleep in the rough
and jump from air planes landing in isolated areas. He was very handsome in his uniform and Green Beret. He learned to speak Urdu, Punjabi and Hindi -- languages the troops would speak in the countries with which we are presently involved. He reached the rank of sharpshooter and could have progressed to officer school but his enlistment was up before our country entered the hostilities.

He joined the American Legion and has been involved in activites with the Virginia Headquarters for more than 20 years -- and sells Poppies to commemorate Veterans Day every year. My husband loves his country and the sight of the Flag and the sound of the National Anthem brings proud tears to his eyes. I'm very proud of the service my husband gave to his country.

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Comment by Dustin Proehl on January 14, 2010 at 6:02pm
Thank your husband for his service to this country and thank you for your story too. As a history teacher I try to get across to my students just how great the nation we live in was, is, and needs to always be. The sign in front of the local VA states that freedom is not free, most of us will never know the cost. For those who serve and their families the price is high, but paid with love for each and everyone of us.
Comment by Txsoulgal on November 25, 2009 at 7:54pm
Juliegr, thanks for sharing your story with us. Please thank your husband for his military and continued service to our country. He sounds like a very fine, dedicated, honorable, gentleman.
Comment by Denise Hill Barlow on November 11, 2009 at 2:53pm
What a beautiful tribute to a man who loves his country. Thank you!
Comment by Nancy Paonessa/Nancymunchkin on November 11, 2009 at 2:40pm
Your husband sounds very dedicated and well rounded we need more of him in the military! We are proud to have him defending us, you said that his enlistment was up before our country entered the hositilities? We probably could have used his help but too be honest with you, I am glad that his enlistment was up then so that he didn't have to go and is safe thank's again for sharing, Nancy
Comment by bates on November 11, 2009 at 2:32pm
Yay, Rex!
Comment by Tish Pomykal on November 11, 2009 at 2:04pm
Thank your husband for us for his unselfish service to our country.
Comment by hickifino on November 11, 2009 at 1:53pm
Thank Jim for his service in both military and civilian status. He's a hero!


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