Taylor Hicks

A Party for Marty and Personal Message from Taylor Hicks

Everyone needs encouragement in life. Everyone has people that are instrumental in getting them where they ultimately need to be and where God wants them to be. One of those people for me has always been Marty Eagle. It's a one in a million chance that people catch the so called "break" in my industry, but Marty always encouraged me to stay focused and keep my eye on the target. So now I am encouraging you to raise awareness for someone who has encouraged me and many others... one of my favorite people of all time, Marty Eagle. -Taylor

Marty Eagle has been diagnosed with lung cancer. On Tuesday, January 1, a Party for Marty will be held at Marty's Bar, located at 1813 10th Ct. S in Birmingham, Alabama. The party will begin at 5 PM and will feature 28 local acts. Click here to read more on AL.com.

Donations will be accepted at the door. If you cannot attend the Party for Marty but would like to help Marty cope with the overwhelming and stressful financial burden, please click here.

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Comment by Lori aka TC on December 31, 2012 at 2:16pm

Marty has done so much for so many.  My prayers are with him as well as my contribution.  Also, I am asking the Soul Patrol to also send a card of encouragement to Marty.  Remember how happy we made Has when we sent him Christmas cards? 

Marty Eagle

1813 Tenth Court South

Birmingham, Alabama 35205

Comment by Tish Pomykal on December 31, 2012 at 12:02am

Praying for a good outcome for Marty

Comment by Nancy Paonessa/Nancymunchkin on December 31, 2012 at 12:00am

Oh Taylor, I am so sorry to hear about your friend Marty, I wont be able to attend the party for him. I wish I could be there, He sounds like a really nice guy and a great friend! I am glad that he encouraged you to go for the target, if it wasn't for him we probably would never had gotten to know you!! The world needs more people like Marty! I am praying that he can beat this cancer, I hope all of the "Soul Patrol" will help out as much as possible!


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