Taylor Hicks

Ts-940 service manual
















Radioamatori, la passione per la radio e le onde elettromagnetiche. Raccolta di info manuali di ricetrasmettitori frequenze materiale didattico ponti ripetitori Kenwood TS-940S Amateur Transceiver. The Kenwood TS-940S is a serious radio for the serious operator. Superb interference reduction circuits and high dynamic range receiver combine with superior transmitter design to get your signal through. I got back to the Service Manual, and following the circuit diagram, checking the PC boards, I found a second. mistake: in the 2nd balanced mixer, in the IF unit, another inverted FET (Q4), harming the mixing/conversion, the gain, and the AGC performance. This picture shows the FET in the correct position. You can buy second hand TS-940 boards on EBay and elsewhere at very reasonable prices. With second hand boards and parts you can still obtain every component. Don't sell your TS-940 Repair it. If you like kits (or previously assembled Heath-kit radios), then you could say the TS-940 is like one large kit set, preassembled. This procedure allows modification to the control PCB (X53-1420-11) in the TS-940 WITHOUT having to remove the board. Remove the bottom cover and locate the control PCB. Locate R137 and R104. These are located in the upper right hand corner as the rig faces you upside down (near VR-3). A service manual is helpfull for locating parts!!! For additional information, see the Global Shipping Program terms and kenwood ts-940s service manual - opens in a new kenwood ts-940s service manual or tab This amount includes applicable customs duties, taxes, brokerage and other fees. The receiver for the Swap Net is in Auburn, California and the antenna is a foot loop. Old Ham Dave is David Lyndon, professional electrical engineer and extra class amateur AK4AA, well-qualified to repair, align, and refurbish amateur radio equipment using laboratory quality test equipment. Dave's specialty is the Kenwood "hybrid" transceivers, the TS-520 through TS-830S,

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