Taylor Hicks

Prepopik patient instructions for lovenox

Prepopik patient instructions for lovenox
















Prepopik is for use in adults and children at least 9 years old. Important Information. Prepopik can cause severe dehydration, which can lead to a serious electrolyte imbalance, seizures, kidney failure, or abnormal heartbeats that can cause death. Follow Prepopik by drinking at least five 8-ounce cups of clear liquids (40 ounces total), using the upper line on the cup, within 5 hours and before bed. If severe bloating, distention, or abdominal pain occurs, following the first dose, delay the second dose until the symptoms PREPOPIK PREPARATION FOR COLONOSCOPY have been instructed to take Lovenox shots, do not take on the morning of the procedure, unless otherwise instructed. Drive the patient home ***** If you have any questions, please contact our office at any time at 678-741-5000. instructions. ** Please discontinue iron or fiber supplements, seeds, nuts, popcorn, and raw vegetables one week before your colonoscopy. **You may fill your PREPOPIK prescription at any pharmacy. IT IS VERY IMPORTANT THAT YOU REFER TO THESE PREP INSTRUCTIONS FROM YOUR DOCTOR REGARDING WHEN YOU NEED TO STOP EATING AND DRINKING. Anticoagulation Therapy Patient & Family Instructions Lovenox® (enoxaparin) (A Low Molecular Weight Heparin) Lovenox® (generic name: enoxaparin) is a medication used to control how blood clots. Your doctor has prescribed Lovenox® for you either to take as long as you Lovenox Patient Information including If I Miss a Dose. What happens if I miss a dose (Lovenox)? Use the medicine as soon as you can, but skip the missed dose if it is almost time for your next dose. Do not use two doses at one time. this information onto our anesthesiologist. - Patients with morbid obesity and or significant respiratory or cardiac issues may need to have their colonoscopy performed at White Plains Hospital endoscopy unit rather than our office endoscopy unit. - There is a cancellation fee of $125 if the cancellation is made later than 36 Fill prescription for Prepopik at your local pharmacy. Inside the Prepopik box you will find 1 dosing cup and 2 packets of Prepopik Powder. 7 DAYS BEFORE YOUR COLONOSCOPY: If you take aspirin or NSAIDS such as Advil, Motrin, Celebrex or Ibuprofen, you may continue to take them as usual unless otherwise instructed by your physician. PATIENT INSTRUCTION SHEET SPLIT-DOSE regimen Indication and Important Safety Information Prepopik is a prescription medicine used by adults to clean the colon before a colonoscopy. How to Use Prepopik for Colonoscopy Bowel Preparation by BowelPrepGuide | Bowel Prep Prepopik can be used alone or in conjunction with over the counter laxatives like bisacodyl or magnesium citrate. Prepopik-Split Dose Instructions. Follow these instructions for the split dose (? the prep will be taken the day before the procedure and the other ? of the prep 5 hours before the procedure. The prep must be completed NO less than 4 hours before your scheduled procedure time). "What's Inside the Box" Inside your Prepopik box you will find: Prepopik-Split Dose Instructions. Follow these instructions for the split dose (? the prep will be taken the day before the procedure and the other ? of the prep 5 hours before the procedure. The prep must be completed NO less than 4 hours before your scheduled procedure time). "What's Inside the Box" Inside your Prepopik box you will find: Colonoscopy Bowel Prep Instructions - Prepopik® - 4 - in the contents of


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