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Starter & complete kits, print & digital 7 options from $1,423.60 Test forms & reports Booklets, record forms, answer sheets, report usages & subscriptions 16 options from $2.40 Support materials Manuals, stimulus books, replacement items & other materials 12 options from $25.70 All products All tests & materials offered for WAIS-IV 35 options WAIS Introduced in 1955 Developed to address weaknesses in Stanford-Binet Created to be used with adults Contains some timed subtests Provides a number of different scores Stanford-Binet Developed in 1939 Developed for use with children Emphasizes timed tests Produces only a single, general intelligence score Tutti i manuali delle scale Wechsler contengono gli errori standard di misura che possono essere utilizzati per tali stime dei punteggi veri dei soggetti. Nelle scale WPPSI-III, WISC-IV e nella futura WAIS-IV si trovano già calcolati gli intervalli di confidenza entro cui cade il punteggio vero del soggetto al 95% e al 99% di probabilità. WAIS-IV Clinical Studies • Intellectual Disability: Mild Severity • Intellectual Disability: Moderate Severity • Borderline Intellectual Functioning • Gifted Intellectual Functioning redros Dic i t s i t•Au • Asperger's Disorder • Learning Disability: Reading • Learning Disability: Math Step-by-Step: Interpreting the WAIS IV profile The basic interpretive system presented here can be used for individuals of ages 16 -90, who are administered the core group of 10 subtests. To complete the interpretation you need: • Wechsler, D. (2008). WAIS-IV Administration and Scoring Manual. San Antonio, TX: The Psychological Corporation. WAIS-IV - Échelle d'intelligence de Wechsler pour adultes - 4ème édition De 16 ans à 79 ans 11 mois Constitue le point de départ essentiel à tout bilan psychologique complet 2011 - WECHSLER D. Descriptif La WAIS-IV constitue le point de départ essentiel à tout bilan psychologique complet. DESCRIPTION OF WAIS-IV INDEXES Verbal Comprehension Index This index reflects an individual's ability to understand, use and think with spoken language. It also demonstrates the breadth and depth of knowledge acquired from one's environment. It measures the retrieval from long-term memory of such information. Perceptual Reasoning Index WAIS-IV Manual (PDF, 2,9 MB) Das Verfahren Die WAIS-IV ist gegenüber ihrem Vorgängerverfahren, dem WIE (Wechsler Intelligenztest für Erwachsene), deutlich verändert. 0 LA ESCALA DE INTELIGENCIA DE WECHSLER PARA ADULTOS (WAIS) MANUAL (*) (*) El presente Manual corresponde a una nueva redacción en castellano de la Escala de Inteligencia para adultos WAIS de 1955, e incluye las normas de la adaptación hecha por Olga Berdicewski y Rebeca Herreros, en 1960, como memoria de prueba para optar al título de psicólogo en la Universidad de Chile. Pearson U.S.A. sells 2 Spanish versions of the WAIS-IV: one suitable for Spanish speakers from Mexico and the other for Spanish speakers from Spain. The WAIS-IV version in Spanish:Mexico was developed and published by Pearson U.S. and is suitable for use with those in/from Mexico: A103000172425 - WAIS-IV Administration and Scoring Manual Asegura un ritmo fluido de aplicación. Cronómetro, lápiz, tabla (opcional) y materiales incluidos en WAIS-IV. Siempre al alcance pero lejos del al vista del examinador. Libreta siempre cerrada y utilizar las pestañas para abrir la que se necesita. Cronómetro no debe emitir sonidos. Asegura un ritmo fluido de aplicación. Cronómetro, lápiz, tabla (opcional) y materiales incluidos en WAIS-IV. Siempre al alcance pero lejos del al vista del examinador. Libre


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