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Emergency Locator Transmitter. Orolia S.A.S. - A Company of the Orolia Group. INSTALLATION MANUAL. OPERATION MANUAL. KANNAD 406 AF / AF-H / AF (6D). Detailed avionics part information page for Kannad INTEGRA 406 AF-H ELT Pack Two wire compatability when installed with optional control panelINSTALLATION MANUAL OPERATION MANUAL. ELT KANNAD 406 AF-COMPACT installation and the operation of KANNAD 406 AF-COMPACT and 406 AF-. COMPACT (ER) ELTs. View and Download Kannad AF INTEGRA installation manual online. Emergency Locator Transmitters With built-in GPS and Integral Antenna. The instructions in this manual provide the information necessary for the installation and the operation of AF INTEGRA, AF-H INTEGRA, AF INTEGRA. (ER) and AF-H OPERATION MANUAL AF INTEGRA / AF-H INTEGRA ELT 4. ELT transmitter Connection Connect the cable of the outside antenna to the BNC connector of the front panel. 406 MHz-ELT KANNAD 406 AF-Compact or Integra 406 AF is installed in the AQUILA. AT01-100/200. current issue of the KANNAD Installation Manual/Operation mailto: support.sar@martec.fr mailto: support.sar@kannad.com mailto:support.sar@kannad.orolia.com. OPERATION MANUAL AF INTEGRA / AF-H INTEGRA ELT. Which McMurdo Kannad ELTs are compatible with the Ameri-King Retrofit Kit? McMurdo Integra Easy with Rod Antenna; McMurdo Integra AF packages
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