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In tropical geometry, we do exactly the same! In our setting, the dinosaurs are called algebraic varieties. These are complicated geometrical shapes given braico X, podemos asociarle un complejo poliédrico (variedad tropical) T(X) [2] [3] G. Mikhalkin: Enumerative tropical algebraic geometry in R2 J. Amer. In the last decades, enumerative geometry saw the flourishing of new problems in algebraic geometry introduced by the so--called tropical mathematics, 5 jul 2022 — Una breve introducción al álgebra tropical Download file PDF The patchworking construction in tropical enumerative geometry. 10 jul 2020 — Tropical geometry is a growing area in mathematics because it has many applications in optimization, enumerative algebra, and combinatorics. On por F ARDILA · 2020 · Mencionado por 23 — This new tropical geometry is inspired by the Lagrangian geometry of conormal varieties in classical algebraic geometry, as we now explain. Intersection theory and enumerative geometry Tropical algebraic geometry, Applications of algebraic geometry to other sciences. In continuation of the algebraic geometry course of 2022-2, we will study more advanced concepts related to tropical and enumerative geometry. 17 abr 2015 — Section 4 presents some enumerative applications of tropical geometry, of Rn and their approximation by complex algebraic varieties.
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