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Drawing on a wealth of research, we've identified 11 "deforestation fronts" where the largest concentrations of forest loss or severe degradation are expected in the near future. Without action to change current trends, up to 1.7 million sq km of forest could be destroyed in these places by 2030 - more than 80 per cent of total projected climate and vegetation may coexist in a dynamic equilibrium that could be altered by large perturbations in either of the two components. The high rate of deforestation in the Brazilian portion of Amazonia, from 25,000 to 50,000 km2 per year (4-7), might thus be expected to have an effect on the regional climate. If deforestation were to Climate change 7 Climate change on a global scale, whether natural or due to human activity, can be initiated by processes that modify either the amount of energy absorbed from the Sun, or the amount of infrared energy emitted to space. 8 Climate change can therefore be initiated by changes in the energy received from the and forest degradation in the context of climate change, development and biodiversity loss. The conference started a broad consultation process both inside and outside the EU to address the issue of deforestation and inform the development of future strategies. Session I: PLANET - Deforestation and forest degradation on a global scale On longer time scales changes tropical Atlantic SSTs may be influenced by changes in the north Atlantic, such as changes of the thermohaline circulation driven by subpolar Climate Change, Deforestation, and the Fate of the Amazon Yadvinder Malhi,1* J. Timmons Roberts,1,2 Richard A. Betts,3 Timothy J. Killeen,4 Wenhong Li,5 Carlos A. Nobre6 about 15 percent1of annual global carbon dioxide emissions are caused by deforestation and for- est degradation (van der werf, et al., 2009; canadell, et al., 2007) and it will be extremely difficult to solve the climate change problem without reducing these emissions.2recogniz- ing the importance of and providing incentives for conserving … deforestation by 2030 under the Glasgow Leaders' Declaration on Forests and Land Use.1 Deforestation is the second largest source of green-house gas (GHG) emissions caused by human activ-ity and leads to significant biodiversity loss, climate change, and other environmental challenges.2 When trees are cut down, burned, or left to rot, their 45-735 pdf 2008 s. hrg. 110-652 international deforestation and climate change hearing before the subcommittee on international development and foreign assistance, economic affairs, and international environmental protection of the committee on foreign relations united states senate one hundred tenth congress second session april 22, 2008 regional climate changes such as reduced precipitation could lower pasture productivity in the Brazilian Amazon up to 33 percent by 2050 (Oliveira et al. 2013). Thus, deforestation can be a lose-lose situation for all of us who rely on a stable climate and for the ranchers whose livelihoods depend on sufficiently productive land. 2concentration is nearing 400 ppm and is on course to surpass the 450 pp
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