Taylor Hicks

What time is sunrise on the 2022 summer solstice?

The summer solstice will be on 21 June 2022.

It most commonly falls on this date, but can be anywhere between 20-22 June.

The exact time of the solstice this year will be 10.13am in the UK – but people traditionally gather at Stonehenge to watch the sun rise on that day.

According to the website Time and Date, on the year’s longest day the sun will rise in London at 4.43am, and set at 9.21pm, delivering 16 hours, 38 minutes and 22 seconds of daylight.

How can I watch a Stonehenge live stream?
There will be a live stream of the summer solstice on the English Heritage Facebook and YouTube pages.

There are official Facebook event pages for both the sunrise and sunset streams.

TV Stream:Watch Online TV

The sunrise live stream will start at 4am BST, with sunrise coming at 4.49am.

The sunset stream will begin at 8.45pm, with sunset at 9.28pm.

More info...https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/summer-solstice-2022-live-stream-onl...

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