Taylor Hicks

The technology is based on Blockchain, or blockchain. This is a set of successive records that allow you to track all the operations that occur on the network, from the most recent to the very first transaction. This information is not confidential, anyone can find it out.

But at the same time, cryptocurrencies are much more anonymous than traditional money. The fact is that it is almost impossible to determine the owner of the wallet conducting the transaction. To use cryptocurrencies, you do not need to provide your name, passport details or other confidential information.

The main purpose of digital money is considered to be anonymous purchase of goods and services, but so far this functionality is in little demand. According to many experts, at the moment, cryptocurrencies are more likely to act as profitable long-term or short-term investments due to the volatility of their exchange rate.

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When creating Bitcoin, the emphasis was placed on the decentralization and security of the protocol. Despite numerous attempts, it has never been hacked, and as the network grows, its stability is constantly increasing.
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