Your web hosting company may offer domain name registration services, yet more then likely, they are actually utilizing an alternate company for the registration because they aren't actually accredited to register business website names. You can see a list of accredited registrars on the ICANN website. Regardless, your web host probably has an agreement with an accredited registrar. The registrar gives a way to your web hosting company to place their code on the web hosting company's website; in this manner, apparently you are registering through your web hosting company, yet you are actually registering through the accredited registrar to secure your own domain name.
A domain name registrar is a company that is allowed to straightforwardly access and modify the database of domain names that have been registered up to the current date. The database itself is maintained by a non-profit organization called Internic. Domain name registration and the industry itself are monitored by ICANN, an organization that is liable for certifying companies as registrars and handling domain names, IP addresses, and domain name extensions to register a A domain name registrar is required to pay an expense to Network Solutions for each registered domain name. This is a fixed charge for everybody. At that point, the registrar can pick what to charge clients that register with them for purpose of profits and promotion.
Your domain name registration has three degrees of contacts: 1) the registrant, 2) the administrative contact, 3) the technical contact. These are individuals the registrar has permission to speak to about your domain name. While the registrar is the company who registers the domain name, the registrant is the individual or entity who owns the actual name. In case your web hosting company or your web developer registered your domain name for you, take a gander at who the registrant is. In case it's not you, you don't own your domain name. You have to remember and pronounce domains, earlier registration.
You may be listed as the domain name registrant and still not have the decision to make changes to your domain name, if that domain name is locked into another individual's account. That has happened to several of my clients. Another individual, for example, a past web developer, friend or relative, registered their domain name. That individual was honest and put the site owner as the registrant, yet it was inside the account of the individual who did the registration with their own domain names. You can follow this link for additional details.
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