Taylor Hicks

Just What Is A Course In Miracles Podcast?

A Program in Miracles can be a spiritual-mental route to remembering our Oneness with God, allowing our true identity to get recognized.  It is a non-dual teaching which claims that Love is there's and there isn't any opposite to love:  no crime, no guilt, no fear, no unworthiness. Only Love.  Other things are illusion.  Ultimately it is a route to complete freedom, peace and pleasure, after we can remember the truth within our shared being with Source.


As pointed out inside the Preface for the Course, “Its only purpose would be to give you strategies by which lots of people will find their particular Internal Teacher.”  It trains us to understand, focus on and trust our Internal Teacher.  This Program describes this teacher as Holy Spirit, therefore it describes since the abstract memory of God, or Love, inside our mind.  We may think of it as Holy One, Greater Self, Essence the name we give this abstract presence does not matter. Many of us carry the remembrance within our True Nature within us.


Becasue it is name implies, this program also discusses a course in miracles podcast, giving the word another meaning.  The “miracles” in the Course have absolutely nothing associated with anything exterior in the world.   Rather, magic can be a shift in the way we look into things, or possibly a change in our perception. Miracles occur after we learn, through experience, that individuals feel more peaceful once we take notice of the quiet voice of Holy Spirit (or Self) instead of the clamoring voice from the illusory ego.


Because non-dualistic Oneness is not the approach we decide to try experience our method of existence, because we go through ourselves as physiques that are outdoors of one another and outdoors of God, this program does not ask us to deny this experience.  This Program meets us where we are, nowadays of illusion, and gently teaches us using our encounters just because a classroom, allowing Holy Spirit to reinterpret everything we feel everyone knows together with your certainty.


The purpose of this program is undoing the illusion of separation in many its great shape.   It emphasizes forgiveness since the means and teaches a profoundly different approach to forgiving, which leads to healing and freedom.


A Program in Miracles began with two Columbia College psychologists who've been frustrated using the anger and divisiveness that permeated their experience and together they made the decision to locate a way.  This Program was received just like a technique of inner dictation, which began, “This can be a course in miracles, please take notes.”  Scribing in the Course needed about seven years beginning in 1965. No author’s name appears round the Course, even though the author reveals themselves as Jesus, (the Christ). This Program was printed in 1976 with the Foundation for Inner Peace now, remains formally changed into twenty-five languages.


A Program in Miracles uses Christian terminology as symbols that are familiar in western culture, yet it evokes universal, non-dual spiritual styles, including Eastern spirituality.  This Program is not a faith it's designed just like a self-study spiritual thought system.  It's organized just like a teaching curriculum which consists of three books.

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