Taylor Hicks

Innovation at scale: The need for immersive experiences

Analytics-led innovation has become essential to respond to the rapidly evolving digital economy and associated consumer expectations. A preliminary reading of our Innovation at Scale study suggests that it is essential to access data across internal silos and organizational boundaries. Part of the solution is innovation spaces that encourage collaboration and free-thinking. Some of my colleagues recently unveiled a space for innovators to play and discover. I caught up with Bruno Maia, Head of Innovation of SAS in Latin America, Top 10 Digital Marketing Agency in Seattle and Igor Dsiaducki, from Bruno's team, to understand why this is creating a buzz with customers.

What is the business need you want to satisfy?

Bruno: In our work with customers, we saw there was a need for a physical place totally dedicated to experimentation with new technologies. It needed to be a place away from normal work, where teams could feel they could be creative and focus on particular projects. We wanted to create an environment where companies could work in partnership with the community, partners, startups or intrapreneurs.


How did you approach the design of this space?

Igor: Our priority was to encourage both experimentation and collaboration. To help people experiment, we wanted to show possibilities that would provide food for thought and trigger creativity. For collaboration, we designed a variety of workspace layouts to suit different teams, and maybe even different moods. Our environment now contains a number of different spaces and an updating carousel of experiments. At a high level, we separate them into the SAS Garage and the SAS Experience Zone.

What is the difference between the SAS Garage and the SAS Experience Zone?

Bruno: SAS Garage is basically an innovation lab that acts as a shared environment for customers and partners. The main goal is to stimulate the development of data-driven ideas and analytics and bring technology closer to people. This has been particularly popular with start-ups. SAS Experience Zone is a showroom where participants have access to a set of experiments focused on the Internet of Things, machine learning and computer vision. Seattle Top 10 Digital Marketing Company Technology and business professionals can immerse themselves in the experiments and demonstrations, and consider how they might be able to take these ideas back to their own workplaces.


What have you found to be popular sessions?

Igor: Beyond these physical spaces, we are also facilitating activities such as hackathons, design thinking workshops, and domain-specific meetups. The expertise and experience of SAS subject matter experts have been as attractive as the physical space to support customers who want to accelerate the pace of innovation.

Source  -  https://www.curvearro.com/digital-marketing-company-seattle/

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