Taylor Hicks


These foods do not exert stress on the body to maintain proper levels of blood sugar Therefore, a low GI diet, meant for diabetics, is very beneficial in maintaining a proper level of blood sugar and preventing the complications At the same time, it should also be noted that following this diet regularly can also help in prevention of diabetes and obesity Secondly, doctors also prescribe low GI diet for high blood pressure to prevent heart diseases caused due to obesity and high blood pressure Low GI Foods The following is a list of foods that can be included in the low GI meal plan for diabetics Although there are many other foods that have low GI like yams and sweet potatoes, but cannot be included in the diabetes diet These foods will help in maintaining a healthy weight and normal blood sugar levels Whole wheat, all bran, rolled oats, oat bran, mixed grain Whole wheat pasta, brown rice Black beans, pinto beans, kidney beans, chickpeas, split peas, soy, linseed, lentils Carrots, broccoli, tomatoes, cauliflower, lettuce, red peppers, eggplant, onions Cherry, grapefruit, plums, prunes, walnuts, peanuts, cashew nuts Whole milk, low-fat yogurt There are a few guidelines that you need to follow if following the low GI diet For egg you should substitute white bread and white pasta with the whole grain versions Secondly, it is better to cut fruit and eat it fresh rather than going for fruits' juices which are loaded with sugar 


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