Taylor Hicks


during, and after consuming alcohol. This is necessary because the symptoms of hypoglycemia (low blood sugar) and excessive drunkenness are very similar. Whereas sleep and bananas could shake off the hangover, hypoglycemia requires medical intervention. Eat something before you drink. An empty stomach, diabetes and alcohol just don't mix. Food can help slow down alcohol absorption in the stomach. Bring your glucose tablets or another source of sugar just in case. Tell your trusted friends about your Type 2 diabetes and the symptoms they should be aware of: like irritability change in consciousness tremors cold skin, etc. or better yet, never leave home without your diabetic bracelet or some identification showing you have diabetes. A good tip is to have a non-calorie drink by your side like diet soda or water. Do not drink alcohol just because you feel thirsty! Remember to be honest with your doctor. Tell him if you regularly consume alcohol so he can adjust your medications. Having Type 2 diabetes does not mean you have to stop enjoying alcohol... just remember to put your health as your top priority. The key to the successful management of diabetes is keeping track of blood sugar levels. The diabetic patient plays the most important role in determining the success of diabetes management. The diabetic is the only one who can ensure regular and timely measurement of these levels. High blood glucose levels are what create the damage. The diabetic has to stay on top of these measurements. With 


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