Taylor Hicks


This prevents the occurrence of acne and blackheads thereby improve the texture of skin. How to prepare the facial mask? To prepare this homemade facial mask you need a cup of plain Greek yoghurt, a tablespoon of honey, cucumber, a teaspoon of vitamin E and aloe Vera gel. You can find these from the local organic whole food store. The top quality ingredients contained in this home facial mask nourish your skin. Blackhead Killer The dense amount of ingredients is free from the harmful preservatives and chemicals that could damage the skin. The cucumber has cooling and soothing effects which provide the skin with healthy hydration. It also contains vitamin C which is used to plump the skin and give it luscious, brighter and even complexion. Honey present in this mask has anti-bacterial properties that prevent the skin from damages. It also contains anti-oxidants that help to moisturize your skin naturally and give you smoother texture. It has high density minerals and vitamins that protect skin against damages thereby prevent it from looking dull. It is also known home remedy to treat acne and blackheads on skin. Aloe has potent to heal the skin from the blemishes. It provides your skin with natural soothing and moisturizing property that help reduce the aging from skin. It has potential to fade the blemishes present on the skin and also treats the cold sores effectively. The vitamin E is another ingredient that has moisturizing property that helps your skin to retain youthfulness naturally. You can make the Greek yoghurt cucumber facial mask by preparing the cucumber juice first. Take two tablespoon of cucumber juice and place it in a puree machine. Blend the Greek yoghurt and specified amount of honey, vitamin E and aloe. You can also use a blunder or grinder to prepare the mask. Mix these well until a well-blended thick, creamy white cucumber facial mask is seen. You can scoop it into the small dish and use it right away. Adding few drops of peppermint or menthol oil into the mixture can give you more cooling effect. These essential oils have cooling and soothing effect to calm down the cold sore. This also fades the dark spots and pigments present in the skin thereby give you cleaner and fresher looking skin. You can put back the leftover mask into refrigerator to cool it. How to use the mask? Before using any mask makes sure you cleanse and exfoliate your face using a homemade sugar scrub. This can help remove the dirt accumulated on skin and also eliminate the dead skin cells. The nourishing ingredients in the mask get soaked into the skin.

For more visit >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> http://www.potentmuscles.com/blackhead-killer

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