Taylor Hicks


For many reasons, a big chest, great arms and ripped abs are deemed exponentially more attractive and more striking than Alpha Force Testo generous quads and popping calves Before I commit body building heresy, I am not saying you shouldn't work towards building big legs In fact, that is pivotal towards maximizing your gains However, as it stands, an attractive chick is more likely to notice a big chest and massive arms than she is to notice big legs or big calves Why? Because nobody walks with their pants off! Whether your goal is to attract the fairer sex, make massive strides in your training or simply build more muscle in your upper body because it is lagging behind your leg development, these untold fundamentals will ensure that you experience stratospheric results when building upper body muscle The first fundamental that will ensure your muscles grow quickly is body weight training Have you ever seen a gymnasts' torso? It is ripped to shreds! Gymnasts mostly train with their bodyweight Movements like pull ups, dips, place training and sit ups, if done correctly, can dramatically change your upper body Incorporating these into your weight training program can positively boost your chances of building upper body muscle quickly Other benefits are increased flexibility and increased strength! 


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