Taylor Hicks

Digital Marketing & Experience Design Agency in Chicago

Contextual interactions: This capability involves using real-time insights about where a customer is in a journey digitally (browsing product reviews) or physically (entering a retail outlet) or to draw her forward into subsequent actions the company wants her to pursue.

The results are dramatic when marketers can combine data management, analytics and insights execution into unified marketing platform.


Consider gourmet gift retailing icon, Harry & David. By combining data-driven marketing with enriched customer insight, the company transformed its catalog heritage into a contemporary, digital retailing powerhouse. In the past three years, customer retention has increased by 14 percent and sales per customer have gone up 7 percent.


The largest retail group in Switzerland,Digital Marketing & Experience Design Agency in Chicago Macros, used data and analytics to further optimize the customer journey.


The upshot: Change perception to reality

“If change is happening on the outside faster than on the inside the end is in sight.” – Jack Welch


Digitally-empowered prospects and customers are calling the shots, going after what they want when they want it. With a unified view of data and analytics, brands can position themselves in front of their customers’ paths as they navigate the customer journey.


For the brands that can see the world as their customers do – and shape the customer journey accordingly--the reward is higher brand preference,Top 10 Digital Marketing Agency in Chicago  revenue and cost improvements, and a lasting competitive advantage.


Assess your marketing confidence

Take stock of your digital marketing approach with the Marketing Confidence Quotient. This assessment tool quickly identifies and scores your company's strengths and weaknesses across four marketing dimensions: data management, analytics use, process integration and business alignment. It's like having your own personal marketing adviser.

Source  -  https://www.curvearro.com/digital-marketing-company-chicago/

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