Taylor Hicks

Difference between Inbound Marketing & Outbound Marketing

Every business needs to identify prospects to develop its sales. The Internet makes it easy to capture these prospects by setting up campaigns aimed at generating leads , commonly known as lead gen or lead generation campaigns . To generate leads for your sales teams, there are two main approaches which are outbound marketing and inbound marketing. We will decipher the main differences and the advantages of each, to help you better understand these approaches, and especially to combine them for profitability.

The principle of Inbound Marketing
Definition of inbound marketing
The term Inbound means "incoming" in English. The principle of Inbound is as follows: it is the prospect, who will constitute a lead, who comes to you, largely thanks to your marketing redleos(.)com/pk/instagram-marketing/ and content strategy , which means that you are not prospecting, but you attract him to you with useful and relevant content for him. It is a "PULL" sales approach. Most of the time, we associate Inbound Marketing with the following channels:

social networks,
The SEO ,
the blog and any content support with an attractive power (infographics, tips, tutorials etc)
Marketing automation
The principle of Outbound Marketing
The term Outbound means "outgoing" in English. The principle of Outbound Marketing corresponds to the traditional marketing approach, which consists in going to chase your prospects where your potential customers are by setting up:

Inbound or Outbound: which approach to choose?
What differs between inbound marketing and outbound marketing
Concretely, if you launch a new product , for example an organic carrot juice, an Outbound Marketing strategy or Give Aways redleos(.)com/pk/giveaways-ideas-business/ will consist in promoting this new juice. This promotion will be carried out directly in organic chain stores, or even in the organic shelves of traditional supermarkets, through tasting or commercial animation to introduce the product.

If you want to promote your organic carrot juice through Inbound Marketing, you can create a blog on carrots, explaining its benefits, its history, recipe ideas, etc. Thus, if a reader researches the benefits of carrots, he will be able to discover the existence of your organic carrot juice because his image will be associated with this content. For example, if a reader finds the content of a blog useful, he can subscribe to your newsletter , and you can program a marketing automation campaign including several emails that will arouse his interest in your carrot juice gradually.

Overall, for any business, the ideal is to combine the two approaches: however, you must place the cursor where it is most relevant, taking into account the specifics of your products or services, the innovative nature of your product, and the competitive benchmark that you will have achieved beforehand. This will make it easier for you to take the right approach and get the best return on investment from your marketing campaigns .

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