Taylor Hicks

Align data and analytics across the customer journey@ Digital Marketing Company in Washington DC

Marketers today use varying adaptations of the customer journey to describe a circular, looped decision pathway with four distinct phases.


Mapping the right data to specific stages of the customer journey is all about getting to know your customers and developing initiatives to put that knowledge into action. Applying analytical models across the key customer journey phases uncovers opportunities to Inbound Digital Marketing Agency in Washington DC  cultivate value-generating behaviors and extend the customer’s lifetime value.


Initial Consideration Set (Research/Discover). Data and analytics in this phase help you gain deeper customer understanding of customers and prospects. Segmentation surfaces stated and unmet customer needs and buying motivations. Reach the right prospects with look-alike acquisition models and evaluate prospects with lead scoring techniques.

Active Evaluation (Explore/Consider). Data and analytics in this phase help you dynamically adapt marketing efforts to customer response – in real-time. Offer optimization techniques can match the appropriate offer based on historical customer response. Amazon’s recommendation engine is a familiar example. Also, A/B and multivariate testing can assess various marketing variables, such as messaging and content types before you roll out initiatives on a wider scale.

Moment of Purchase (Buy/Convert). Data and analytics help you understand how and when customers will purchase. Predictive techniques such as propensity models help marketers predict the likelihood that a customer will respond to a specific offer or message and convert. Expand share of wallet with cross-selling and affinity models; or, understand future buying behavior through propensity models.

Post-purchase experience (Use/Maintain/Advocate). Data and analytics in this phase help you uncover patterns of user behavior and further drive customer engagement. For example, a retail site may tell you the status of your recent order the moment you land on the home page. Churn models such as uplift modeling and survival analysis can provide early warning signs of defection. Preempt customer churn with corrective actions, such as special offers or free upgrades.

Open, unified capabilities needed

Brands that build the most effective customer journeys master three interrelated capabilities: unified customer data platforms, proactive analytics, and contextual interactions.


Unified customer data platforms: Digital Marketing & Experience Design Agency in Washington DC This capability unifies a company's customer data from online and offline channels to extract customer insights and steer customer experience. This includes the ability to cleanse, normalize and aggregate data from disparate systems – within the enterprise and externally – at an individual level.

Proactive analytics: A purpose-built data collection and analytics capability that incorporates both customer analytics (give brands the customer insight necessary to provide offers that are anticipated, relevant and timely) and marketing analytics (evaluate marketing performance using metrics, such as ROI, channel attribution, and overall marketing effectiveness).

Source  -  https://www.curvearro.com/digital-marketing-company-washington-dc/

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