Taylor Hicks

My brother, Bob is not a veteran of any famous war and was never a war hero, but he is a hero to me.
He was injured while performing training tank manevers in the army.
The tank rolled over on top of him, crushing him beneath, if not for the muddy field he would have died instantly.
Turn's out, that accident will probably eventually lead to his death anyway. There were radioactive packets on that tank and they exploded when the tank crashed.
Bob's body was saturated with radiation and the doctors told him he would develop cancer in the future.
He is now fighting his 3rd bout with this disease.
The only possible way for him to survive this time is for him to let the doctors try extreme experimental procedures on him. But, they say he has nothing to lose, because he will die soon without the treatments and he might die even if he goes through with them.

Anyone who meets Bob will see a strong, funny, friendly, charismatic man. He's a blast to be around and so strong.
Nobody would ever imagine what he is going through. He tells me he's in constant pain but won't let it stop him from living life to the fullest. He does get down at times, but will only confide in his little sister (me), he doesn't want anyone else to know when he is down or in pain.

Somehow, Bob got the word that I love Taylor's music and that Taylor was having a show in Houston, Tx and on the spur of the moment told me we were going. I struggled with the decision to go or not, cause you see, I would have to put in a full days work, drive 3 hours to Houston, see the show, drive back and go to work early the next morning. But, he really wanted to spend some special time with me. So, I said what the heck, I'll go! I mean what could be better than spending time with my brother and seeing my fave musician! We went to the show and had a blast. Me, front and center transfixed by every word Taylor sang. Bob hovering towards the back, enjoying the show and watchin over me.

On the loooong tiresome drive home, he unloaded alot of his worries and fears on me. We had to stop half way beacuse he became very ill. We made it home safe.

He told me he really like Taylor's music and that he broke down and cried when Taylor sang "Nineteen". A lady standing next to him at the concert made sure he was o.k. and he was, but just over-come with emotion.

You see, even though he is not a decorated war hero like the kid in "Nineteen" he is still a veteran and a hero to me.

Nineteen has been one of my favorite songs since "The Distance" came out, but now it holds an even more special place in my heart. The only thing is, it's hard for me to listen to it now without breaking down.

Thanks, Taylor for bringing my brother and I closer together.

He's still fighting!!!!!


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Comment by Nancy Paonessa/Nancymunchkin on November 11, 2009 at 4:46pm
To me just because your brother Bob was not in a war doesn't mean that he is not a hero to us, He was in the army and he was injured so he is a hero to all of us I hope and pray that you guys are able to find a cure because Bob sounds like a very wonderful and caring peron who deserves to live a long and healthy life Thank you for sharing maybe if everyone who reads your story sends out prayers for Bob it might help, I know tha tit can't hurt becuase I heard of the power of prayer and Bob needs it now. Tell Bob we are proud of him and to keep hanging on.
Comment by NolaMar on November 11, 2009 at 3:46pm
Oh, Patty, thank you for sharing this very personal story with us! I knew some of it but not all the details. Your brother is just as much of a hero as anyone who was hurt or killed in a war. He was injured while serving his country and to me it does not matter what capacity that was. God bless him as he continues with the devastating results of the tank accident! I'm so happy you could share that night in Houston with him. And how wonderful that he heard and was moved by Nineteen - to know that he is appreciated. He has sacrificed nearly ALL for his country. Please give him my heartfelt gratitude. You both, and all your family, will be in my prayers.
- Margaret


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