Taylor Hicks

Veteran’s Day has been noted each year by our family with the American flag flying from our front porch. We’ve had our share of uncles, cousins, and spouses, serve to protect this country and defend our freedom. This year seems a bit different. Our 18 year old grandson has joined the Army. He left today for the long flight from Portland, Oregon to Ft. Jackson, South Carolina for Basic Training. He graduated from high school in June. He delivered newspapers and played computer games. He’s going to lose all of his curly, blond hair! We won’t seem him again for Thanksgiving, nor Christmas, not until next summer we understand. He must be a little scared and nervous about all of these changes. He’ll be fine. He has to be. His brother and sister miss him already. His nine year old sister wanted to stay home from school today to let “the sad” out, but she had to go. We all have some “sad” to conquer today, as do many families across the nation – sad, but very proud, and counting the days until our loved ones return.

Tempe Berggren
Sheridan, Oregon

Views: 44


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Comment by Denise Hill Barlow on November 12, 2009 at 11:49am
Congradulations to your grandson for taking on the honor of serving and protecting our country. My prayers are with you and your family that he returns home safe and sound.
Comment by mouser on November 12, 2009 at 11:37am
To your grandsons safe return !!!!!!
Comment by Jennifer Jacobs on November 11, 2009 at 8:37pm
Tempe, best wishes to your Grandson and all your family- You must be proud! Thanks for sharing your story ~Jenni


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