Taylor Hicks

Southwest Airlines Announces The Travelin' Taylor Tour

Southwest Airlines' Live at 35™ concert series has returned with the Travelin' Taylor Tour, a series of six inflight shows featuring current and rising stars spanning multiple musical genres who play Taylor Guitars. During this unique inflight experience, each featured musician will play a custom , Southwest-themed, GS Mini guitar, a travel-sized guitar known for its impressive big sound and comfortable, play-anywhere size. Each of the six custom guitars will be given away in a sweepstakes that begins today, and eligible participants can enter through June 14, only on southwest.com/taylortour.

The Travelin' Taylor Tour artists, in order of appearance are Parmalee, The Farm, Vintage Trouble, Good Old War, Taylor Hicks, and Easton Corbin.

For years, Southwest Airlines has innovated the skies by finding unique ways to surprise and delight its Customers. Each musician will board Southwest flights across the United States on separate days, performing at least two songs Live at 35™ (35,000 feet, that is), beginning with Parmalee on May 13. The tour will conclude with Easton Corbin on May 30. The artwork for Southwest's custom guitar was designed by a Southwest Airlines Employee, and the guitar itself was constructed by Taylor Guitars. Click here to see how the custom GS Minis were crafted at one of Taylor's Factory and hear the company's Master Builder, Andy Powers, elucidate on what craftsmanship and quality mean to this top-selling guitar manufacturer.

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Comment by Barbieflausa on May 20, 2013 at 10:04am

how cool since it was southwest who allowed Taylor to fly to Vegas...and get his golden ticket!!!

Comment by Francine Long on May 16, 2013 at 11:50pm

I can't even begin to fathom how cool this would be to be a passenger on that flight!  Wooooooooooooo!

Comment by acaroleinfl on May 16, 2013 at 7:10pm

Sounds wonderful.

Comment by vicki minger on May 16, 2013 at 12:14am

Ahhhh, Tay Tay you killing me...FEAR OF FLYING....that is why I can't come to Vegas..now concert in the air....Oh woe is me...


Comment by Gr8fulheart on May 14, 2013 at 12:40pm

This sounds really cool! 


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