Taylor Hicks

Hi Taylor, Just a quick little note to honor my grandfather, Nicholas George Simon. He came to our country from Syria when he was only fourteen years old to work to send money to his family and to pursue the American Dream. He joined the army and served our country in the first World War, losing an arm in battle during his service at a very young age. He received quite a collection of medals and awards and loved to show them off and tell us all of his stories. My grandfather never let diversity get him down. Despite his handicap he married, bought his own home,raised 5 children, spoiled 14 grandchildren, ran a successful liquor store, drove, and lived until his late seventies. When I think of Veterans' Day I think of so many people like him that felt it was an honor to serve our country and were proud to do so, many even losing their lives to fight for our freedom. It's so important to remember them on their day of honor, and I applaud you for keeping them in your heart!

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Comment by alex steve on January 16, 2010 at 8:19am
nice inspiring story thanks for the post
A website designer
Comment by Barbieflausa on November 12, 2009 at 2:27pm
what a wonderful story. It is the fabric of our land. Like a patchwork quilt stitched together from fragments of other peoples lives. Barbie
Comment by Denise Hill Barlow on November 12, 2009 at 11:36am
What an inspritation your grandfather is. Not only did he continue on despite his handicap, he lived a full and rich life. Congradulations to Mr Simon for being a hero.
Comment by mouser on November 12, 2009 at 8:51am
Our country was built on the strength of its immigrants. These men and women , while maintaining their cultural diversity became Americans and guided this nation to a position of global strength. Thanks to people like your grandfather, Nicholas, the United States is a melting pot that has produced a citizenry to savor. Let's hope it their contribution was not for naught.


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