Taylor Hicks

15-40 Facebook Challenge! Spread the word about cancer awareness

Help spread the word about cancer awareness. The 15-40 Connection's mission is to create awareness that cancer is the #1 disease related cause of death among 15 to 40-year olds and promote early detection through action and advocacy. This means building a relationship with a healthcare professional, taking signs and symptoms seriously and fighting for yourself if you know something just isn't right.

You can contribute to this cause by becoming a Facebook Fan of the 15-40 Connection. A donor will give $1 for every Facebook Fan the 15-40 Connection gets between now and April 12. Make a difference! Help us connect to $10k. Share with a friend. Click here to become a fan.

Shockingly and sadly, there has been little change in cancer survival rates among 15-40 year olds in 35 years (older and younger patients have been part of a 30% improvement over the same time period!).

To learn more, visit http://www.15-40.org which is full of great content about the organization.

Closing this gap in cancer survival rates is simple (meaning the action individuals need to take is simple) but the solution is not simplistic. But...we can do it!

From Taylor's camp, thanks for getting involved!

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Comment by TaylorHicksNews on May 30, 2010 at 4:01pm
The 15-40 Connection made its goal! More than 10,000 became Facebook fans, and the organization has earned a $10,000 donation toward cancer education and awareness for young adults. Congratulations to all!
Comment by Debbie Jurkovac on May 20, 2010 at 9:43am
That's great that you are doing this for cancer. I donate once in awhile. The thing is, I do not join facebook or myspace because of
privacy issues. Best Wishes!
Comment by TaylorHicksNews on May 19, 2010 at 6:52pm
As of May 19, the 15-40 Connection still needs 2,505 new Facebook fans to meet goal. Can we do it?
Comment by TaylorHicksNews on May 10, 2010 at 2:52pm
UPDATE: The 15-40 Connection currently has 7,091 fans. That means there are 3 weeks left to make goal. 10,000 fans = $10,000 dollars to support cancer awareness and education in young adults. Please be a Facebook fan!
Comment by Debbie Jurkovac on May 1, 2010 at 8:49pm
I had female cancer, was operated on last August. I am on depression/anxiety meds. I have more anxiety than depression but God
helps me on my bad days. Thank God I am in remission.
Comment by TaylorHicksNews on April 6, 2010 at 8:48am
UPDATE: Deadline extended until June 1 - If the 15-40 Connection acquires 10,000 fans on Facebook by June 1, 2010, an anonymous donor will gift $10,000 to the organization to support cancer awareness and education in young adults. As of early this morning, the 15-40 Connection had 4,951 fans.


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