Taylor Hicks

It sounds like hustle culture advice from bros running a multi-level marketing pyramid scheme fused with a Bernie Madoff Ponzi scheme.

But open your mind.

An audience online gives you distribution. It’s how you reach people. And once you can reach enough people you no longer need to apply for jobs, buy ads, or ask for permission.

It’s about access to humans — not follower counts, selfies and useless vanity metrics such as ‘likes.’

Brute force is limited to the amount of energy and time you have. Leverage is limitless and can work when you don’t.

Effort leads to results. Leverage is able to make your effort go exponential. That means you get outsized results.

Leverage is getting out more than you put in. It’s an unfair advantage that clueless critics call luck or privilege when it should be seen as a tool anyone can access. Leverage can help compound your time, money, or energy.

If they rolled up to your house with nothing but their bare hands they could do some work, sure. But if another landscaper rolled up with a shovel and a wheelbarrow they’d be a better choice.

And if a different landscaper rolled up with power tools as well then they’d be even better. Or if another landscaper rolled up and had manual tools, power tools, and a digger then they’d destroy the competition.

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