Taylor Hicks

Hey, everybody. What are the best companies to consider for car rentals? I need a car for about a week.

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Hi. I think that you should try to find websites of several companies and compare their offers, i.e. prices for car rental and the cars themselves, which are offered in the company.

Yeah, that's understandable. I need a reliable company to rent a car, so it would be nice to understand what is the best choice.

In this case, I would advise you to pay attention to the company Drivo They have excellent cars at good prices. You can try to go to their website and study the description in more detail.

So you recommend this company on personal experience, that is, you took a car from them for yourself?

Yes, I have contacted this company and rented a car from them. The experience was generally positive, so I would probably recommend them to you.

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