Taylor Hicks

 Other people believe that the opposite is true, therefore, that the majority of erectile dysfunction cases are contingent psychogenic factors. Probably it depends mainly on the therapist and focus on the selection of patients. In the treatment of sexual dysfunction decades consistently applies psychosomatic approach with emphasis on holistic analysis of each case. Has dominant role in the treatment of a specific psychotherapy, Mandro RX behaviorally oriented (sexoterapie). Importantly, it applies well also in those of sexual dysfunction, which have clear organic nature. An increasingly important role in the treatment of sexual dysfunction has pharmacotherapy. Its place in the treatment of sexual dysfunction is also increase in hormones, especially androgen (in males and females) and estrogens (with their deficiency in women). The clinical evaluation of effects the most common sexual dysfunction of men is undoubtedly erectile dysfunction (54% of dysfunctional men). In second place in our survey of sexual behavior ranked premature ejaculation (38% dysfunctional population), followed by lack of sexual needs (32%), excessive sexual need (24%), problems with achieving ejaculation (18%) and pain during intercourse. The problems with achieving a full erection, at least sometimes happen with the vast majority of men. Clinically relevant evaluation of it increases the erection level which would be sufficient for satisfactory connection genitals or subsiding erection before ejaculation. If the problem with erection persistent or progressively deteriorating, we are talking about true sexual disorder. Number of dysfunctional men complains about occasional failures that disrupt their sexual self-esteem and their relationships. In these cases we are talking about “unreliable erection.” Erection is the most obvious manifestation of intense vasomotor reactions associated with sexual arousal. With, hard erection for supra-intracavernous pressure reaches a combination of high arterial inflow and venous outflow from the conclusion of the erectile bodies of the penis. Significantly there also participates in the pelvic floor muscles that push the penis making the typical “status” of the penis.

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