Taylor Hicks


One such problem is perhaps even more prevalent than food allergies, and perhaps the reason for many food allergies as well as a host Body Blast Cleanse of gut problems including symbiosis This sensitivity has to do and the carbohydrates (sugars) in foods that create bacterial overgrowth Small Intestine Bacterial Overgrowth is a chronic bacterial infection of the small intestine The infection is often of the bacteria that normally live in the gastrointestinal tract but have abnormally overgrown in a location not meant for so many bacteria Often occurs because of symbiosis – where there is an imbalance of the beneficial bacteria (as well as yeast) and other types of harmful bacteria, yeast, and sometimes even parasites – but also because those bacteria are living off what you’re feeding them This unhealthy bacteria overgrowth in our gut can interfere and normal digestion and absorption of food Leaky gut syndrome is a name given when there is damage to the membrane of the digestive tract which leads to malabsorption of nutrients such as iron, vitamin B12, vitamins A & D, as well as other nutrients The bacteria consume and literally live off food unable to be absorbed in the digestive tract, so it grows and grows and as they do, they expel gas which causes abdominal bloating and pain, constipation, and diarrhea Undigested food particles can enter through the gut lining causing an immune reaction resulting in food allergies and sensitivities 


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