Taylor Hicks

Lined and a single layer of cells that secrete mucus and fluid, it contains enzymes that help in the final stages of carbohydrates and protein digestion, and absorption of nutrients from the lumen in the circulatory system. And it can increase the surface area of the Leah by a variety of means, such as the folds of the doorman (blind sacs) in fish. In higher vertebrates is increased from the surface of the cavity and the presence of villa, which are the expectations that you see and the naked eye from epithelial tissue under the epithelium. Also be extended cavity surface of the brush border of microvillus on the (apical) surface facing the cavity midget absorptive cells in all vertebrates. Brush border membranes contain enzymes that help in the final digestion of food and the mechanisms which provide for selective absorption of nutrients process. The Soma Biotics increased surface area of the small intestine of human times about the presence of appendages and an extra fold of microvillus, resulting in a total area of And it helped digestion in the midget by secreting digestive enzymes and fluids through the tissues of the pancreas, bile secretion from the liver. The pancreas tissue distribution along the intestinal wall, and even in the liver, and some species of fish. However, the pancreas is a small organ in sharks, skates, rays, and many more, and all other vertebrates. The liver is the little device in all vertebrates. One of the many functions is the secretion of bile. In most vertebrates, it is bile stored in the gallbladder and released into the intestines as needed, but the bitterness is absent in some types of fish and mammals. Bile salts working to emulsify fat and increases the surface area available for digestion by lipase soluble in water. See your gallbladder, liver, pancreas Hindgut is the ultimate site for digestion and absorption by defecation or evacuation of waste. Hindgut of fish larvae and amphibians, and a few short mammals and difficult to distinguish them from the midget. However, the hindgut of adult amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals is the most distinct slice, which is separated from the midget of the sphincter muscle or valve. It also tends to be larger in diameter. 


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