If a traveller cancels their flight within the next 24 hours of making their reservation, they are entitled to a full refund using the original payment method. This is true regardless of the chosen fare or flight class.
Tickets in the basic economy are subject to this policy. The refund money normally starts to be processed and is credited to your account within seven to ten business days.
You will be responsible for the cancellation cost after this 24-hour risk-free period. This would depend on the ticket's class and price.
According toAmerican Airlines cancellation policy, you won't be charged a cancellation fee if you cancel your flight within the next 24 hours after booking your reservation. This rule applies to all sorts of tickets, regardless of price.
If you decide to cancel your ticket beyond the given time, there will be a fee. Depending on the type of ticket you choose to fly on American Airlines—which offers four different types—the cancellation process may vary.