Taylor Hicks

Veteran's Day Blog ~ My uncle, Pfc. Kenneth Allen, was killed in action in Korea.

Kenneth was a paratrooper and had been home at Christmas 1950, on a furlough. All of the living Allen siblings were home for a holiday reunion except for one. There were 14 children in the Allen family, 12 boys and 2 girls. Two of the siblings had died in infancy.

Kenneth had volunteered for overseas duty and first shipped to Tokyo. Then on his 18th birthday he was in Seoul Korea. Two months later Kenneth was killed in action.

Of Kenneth's brothers (one of them is my father), one other served in the Army, two in the Navy, four in the Air Force and one in the Air Force Reserves.

Kenneth is Kris Allen's (Am Idol) great uncle.

~blog by wings

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Comment by Jennifer Jacobs on November 11, 2009 at 8:42pm
Thank you Wings. It sounds like you (and Kris) have a great military family.
Comment by Denise Hill Barlow on November 11, 2009 at 3:01pm
Your uncle's sacarfice will never be forgotten. He did what he set out to do and served his country with honor. Thank you for sharing this beautiful story.
Comment by Juliegr on November 11, 2009 at 2:47pm
So many of our beautiful young men have unswervingly served our Country -- thanks to your family for their dedicated service.
Comment by Nancy Paonessa/Nancymunchkin on November 11, 2009 at 2:47pm
Your uncle Kenneth made the ulimate sacriface for out county! That is what Veteran's Day is for, honering the people who have defended our country thank you for sharing this bittersweet story with us and letting the world know about your uncle, may he rest in piece, He died trying to make the world safer for all of us and I will be forever grateful. Nancy
Comment by Tish Pomykal on November 11, 2009 at 2:07pm
Thank you for sharing the story of your uncle. Thank you also for your family's service to our country.
Comment by hickifino on November 11, 2009 at 1:57pm
America is blessed to have brave families such as the Allens who give their all for their country.


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