Taylor Hicks

The wait is over!!! Taylor has been able to dedicate time on Thursday, September 10th at 5pm CST for a LIVE video chat. That's right, he will be here at taylorhicks.com answering questions and updating you all with stories from the road. Spread the word, and make sure to save the date!

Event: Live Video Chat with Taylor Hicks
When: Thursday, September 10th
Time: 5PM Central Standard Time / 6PM Eastern Stand Time

If you'd like to submit questions for the chat, please comment on this blog.

Within the chat, you will also be able to communicate via the UStream chat board (which pops up during the video stream). In order to communicate with this chat board, you must sign up for a UStream account beforehand. Please visit UStream to sign up for an account. You will also see a Twitter (Social Stream) icon to click as well, which will allow you to communicate with Taylor's Twitter account. Below is a screen shot of the setup.

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Comment by Jackie on September 4, 2009 at 7:28pm
Ray Charles was once quoted as saying, “I liked the atmosphere. The people were friendly, the people took to me right away. Seattle is the town where I made my first record. And if you ever want to say where I got my start, you have to say that” (The Seattle Times). Taylor, did you find yourself inspired by the city in that same way? I would also like to thank you for making me feel so special when I met you in Seattle! Don't be a stranger! SOUL patROLLERS!!!
Comment by Jemrah on September 4, 2009 at 7:06pm
Hi Taylor: I was lucky enough to see you perform in Ottawa. My question is: where do you see yourself in five years? How about 10 years?
Comment by Annie/sallyannlady on September 4, 2009 at 7:02pm
Taylor, I missed you in Ottawa due to my surgery- thank you for your kindness & encouragement during that time- but I will NOT be missing you in Toronto- are you going to do a Shadow Show there.....please?? *begs*
Comment by acaroleinfl on September 4, 2009 at 6:52pm

Hey Taylor, will you have a meet and greet at Epcot, sell cds and sign them?
Comment by mouser on September 4, 2009 at 6:42pm
QUESTION: as per the instructions above
What music genre do you listen to when you want to RELAX; when you want to be EXHILARATED ; when you want to be INSPIRED ( to create )?
Comment by Gr8fulheart on September 4, 2009 at 6:08pm
HEELLLLOOOO TAYLOR! Slipping on your 'thinking cap'; if there was one thing you could change, After your American Idol win; what would it be?♥
Comment by Sheryl Schwader on September 4, 2009 at 6:01pm
Oh Lordie! I already have a commintment for that night and won't be home. I hope the video will be available later for us to view
Comment by Soulfully Blonde on September 4, 2009 at 5:43pm
Hi Taylor! It was awesome seeing you in Orlando recently! Do you ever read our twitter responses to you, and what was the answer to the mystery Orlando restaurant you posted about with the video? ;)
Comment by Natalie Goik on September 4, 2009 at 5:41pm
Out of all the guitars you have, which one is your favorite? (If it's not the T5 can I have it? Because I really want it)
Comment by Soulfully Blonde on September 4, 2009 at 5:27pm
Can't wait!!! ;)


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